
Data Protection & Controls

Landkey adopts best industry practices to safeguard your valuable customer data and we fully comply with GDPR, CCPA and other security regulations.


Roles and Permissions

Define users roles and permissions in Landkey platform and assign these while adding a new user in the system. Specify which actions users can take in software and restrict data access to those who need it and keep others out. Manage all sensitive data under one platform and ensure that only the authorized users can access specific kinds of data and modules.


Data Privacy Protection

Landkey is fully compliant with all data protection regulations, such as GDPR, CCPA, and others. We assist businesses in protecting their customers' data and ensuring that it's safely stored in the system. Our commitment extends beyond mere adherence, and we fully understand that safeguarding customer information is paramount in today's digital landscape.


Audit Trail

Keep track of all the changes you make in Landkey and gain access to a detailed record of all user activities, including who made the changes and when. The system meticulously records every modification, addition, or deletion, empowering you to maintain complete integrity of your real estate data and ensure its accuracy.


2 Factor Authentication

The 2 Factor Authentication system in Landkey adds an additional security layer and only allows authorized users to access the data. You can also customize the authentication process from the backend as per your needs and preferences. Added protection not only protects personal data but also helps your real estate business build trust with customers.

Top-notch Security Protocols

We prioritize the security of your data above anything else. Sensitive information of your real estate and construction business is protected with encryption, 2FA, and scheduled security audits.